But we shy away from it because it feels risky... like rejection, letting someone down, or even a career-limiting move.
So when it feels awkward, we back off. We give up. And we stay overcommitted, undervalued, and stuck.
💪 The challenge? Getting good at saying no won’t feel good at first. You’ll over-explain, backtrack, be too blunt or even soften your no too much. That’s normal. But if you stop there, you miss the breakthrough.
Clunky reps aren’t failures - they’re how skill is built. Awkward first, confident later.
I help teams with strategies to make no easier. But strategy alone isn’t enough. It takes risk. It takes practice.
Want confidence in saying no? Get the reps in. Even when they feel clunky. The more you practice, the stronger your “no” muscle gets.